Technical Skills

Python Expert
SQL Intermediate
AWS Intermediate
ETL Intermediate
Big Data (Hadoop, Spark) Intermediate
Data Warehousing Intermediate
Machine Learning Expert
Statistics Intermediate
Data Visualization Intermediate
Data Analysis Intermediate
Machine Learning Libraries (e.g., scikit-learn, TensorFlow) Intermediate

A Quick Overview

Hello, and thank you for visiting my portfolio! My name is Hayatu, and I'm a dedicated Data Engineer/Data Scientist with a profound passion for leveraging data to derive meaningful insights and create transformative solutions. Here, I'm excited to share with you my journey, experiences, and the unique combination of my educational background and professional expertise that has shaped my path in the field of Data and AI.


Let's Connect!

I'm passionate about collaborating on innovative projects and making a meaningful impact through data and AI. If you'd like to discuss potential collaborations, explore exciting opportunities, or simply have a conversation about the world of data, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Thank you for taking the time to explore my portfolio, and I'm looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals on this remarkable journey of data-driven discovery!